Living in Africa

Tales from the Heart #3, page 24

This is the last in a series of four pages from one of Cindy Goff's comic books. If needed, go back to the previous page.

Cathy is now on her own in the sense of not being tied to her past, but instead has entered her present in Africa. This sense of being away from the life you've always known is the hardest part of the experience. You miss everything about your past life, including things that aren't really worth missing. The poignancy of this moment is captured but relaxed with a little joke at the end of this book.

Panel 1: The caption says, "That night, I began living in Africa." Then, "People I'd come to rely on every day, who shared my excitement and fear about this place were gone, and I missed them."

Panel 2: "I even missed Barry - a little."

Panel 3: "But I was anticipating the next day and things didn't look bad after all. I'd made a new friend."

Panel 5: "Lulled by the gentle sounds of the savannah, I spent that night in peaceful slumber..."

Note the eyes under the bed.

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Date created: 1/3/97
Last modified: 1/3/97
Maintained by: Alan Saul